Thursday, November 1, 2012

Simply ... How To Help Someone Get Saved By Bro. Joe

Here's Simply how this Blog  came to be ...

The LORD burdened my heart for lost people who had no hope. I'd been a Christian for many years but I still did not know how to help a lost person get saved. I didn't know anybody that I could turn to for help. I didn't know any soul winners. So, I simply asked Jesus to make me a soul winner. Jesus answered my prayer. Jesus gave me the words to say and how to say them.

Here is what Jesus taught about me how to meet people. He taught me to always be calm, gentle, polite, sincere, kind, compassionate, loving, easy going, unhurried, and friendly with anyone I meet.
He taught me to never scare anybody, argue with anybody, ask anybody any questions, get into a long discussion with anybody.  If I do any of those never(s) it's over.
Now you know how to say the words that Jesus gave me to say. You can do this!

I'm going to give you the words that Jesus gave me to always say. I am sharing them with you just like He gave them to me. These few words became the process that I now always follow in helping a lost person get saved.

If I fail to follow this process I lose! I know because I've tried another way and I always lose.  You you will lose, too.

Remember, this soul winning process is not mine.  Jesus gave it to me! Remember, I'm just a regular person with a burden for lost souls who needed help. Jesus was the only Person that I knew to call on to help me.
He answered my prayer and gave me what I needed.

Now, I'm giving you the words He gave to me! Memorize the words.Practice saying the words something under a 1,000,000 times like I did. When you are ready Jesus will give you the courage and the person that you will help get saved. Keep Following the process like I do! You will never be the same!  Soul winners are never the same! Thank Jesus!

Brother Jerry & I Are Soul Winning Partners ...
Bro. Jerry and I (Bro. Joe) use this simple process every time with anyone or more than one that we are going to help get saved. Whether we are out together or by our self  we always do it the same way every time. We found out that if We/I do the same thing the same way We/I get the same results every time. The person or persons always get saved.

We promise you that if you will learn and follow this simple process you will be a soul winner helping people get saved.

Here is what we do and what we say:

I smile and say to someone: "Hi, I'm _______________."
I shake the person's hand and say, "What' your name?"

Person says "_________________."

I say:  "It's good to meet you,  (Person's Name).

I say:  "(Person's Name), I'm/We're just out praying with folks today. Can we pray with you?  or Will it be OK if we pray with you?"

Person says: "OK ... sure ... etc.")

I say:  "Great  or  Thank You ... OK .. Let's just pray together. Please just say this prayer after me.
"LORD Jesus. We're all sinners.
Please forgive my sins.
Please save my soul.
Please come into my heart and live forever.
Thank you LORD Jesus
for saving my soul;
for forgiving my sins;
for coming into my heart to live forever.
Now LORD Jesus, please help me to live for you each day.
Thank you Lord Jesus.  Amen.

I say: "Praise the LORD. Jesus just forgave your sins. Jesus just saved your soul; Jesus just came into your heart to live forever; and you're saved forever. If you have been saved before now you are double sure you are saved."

I say, "Now, here's what I want you to do beginning today...
1. Pray the prayer you just prayed every night before you go to sleep and every morning when you wake up.
2. Always trust Jesus ... and you'll know what's right.
3. Always do the loving thing ... and you'll always do the right thing.  That's what Jesus did.
4. Attend church.
5. Practice and learn the process of helping someone get saved like you did. You're a soul winner!

Download, print, share, free not to be sold. Give everybody you help get saved a copy of this Tract.
(copyright @ By Bro. Joe & Jerry, 2012, Goodlettsville, TN  37072)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Soul Winning Seminar by Bro. Joe

This Soul Winning Seminar is for Christians of all stages and ages.

Soul wining is helping a lost person have
a heart-to-heart
born again soul saving
experience with Jesus.

The seminar will teach you a simple soul winning process. You will learn how to comfortably help a lost person have a born again experience with Jesus.
All you must know before we get started is that Jesus is Lord of your life ...
And have a burden on your heart for lost souls. I will teach you how to help a lost person get saved.
That and no more. I promise!

All I teach is simple enough to understand
and easy enough to do.
There is nothing to be afraid of!
Ask Jesus to help you. HE will!

If you can be comfortable asking someone,
"How you doing?" You will make a natural soul winner.
Give it a try. What have you got to lose?

Soul winning is a serious effort with Jesus in
control. It begins and ends in sincere prayer.
We're led by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit puts us in front of lost people every time.
Jesus gave us this simple process and we follow it the same way every time.
The lost person gets saved every time.

We go out in teams of two. We've found out that this works the best for us.
If you need a partner simply pray and the LORD will team you up. He will send you out to harvest souls for His kingdom.

Here's how we do it every time. We say the same words the same way every time. We see the same results every time. A person or persons get saved. Often more than one person will get saved at the same time. For example, when we're in a home with a family we will help them all get saved at the same time. Later, you'll see hows that works. It's simple. It's easy. Relax, and know that Jesus is in control and He will do all the work.   

Here's what we do ...

I Smile and Say to someone: "Hi, I'm                     ."
I shake the person's hand and say: "What's your name?" 

Person says: "                       ."

I Say:  "It's good to meet you, (Person's Name).

I Say: "You know, (Person's Name), we're living in some mighty troubled times, aren't we?"
(Person will say something like ... "We sure are ...etc.")

I say: "Because of that, we're out praying with people. Can we pray with you? or Will it be OK if we pray with you."?

Person says: "OK ... sure ... etc)
I take the person by the hand  ... or put my hand on the person's shoulder ... or we hold hands in a comfortable circle and relaxed ... 
I say:  
"Great ...  Please say this prayer after me.
Lord Jesus, we're all sinners.
Please forgive our sins.
Please save my soul.
Please come into my heart and live forever. Thank you Lord Jesus for saving my soul; for forgiving my sins;
for coming into my heart to live forever.
Now, Lord Jesus, please help me live for you each day.
Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen.

I  say:  "Praise the LORD.  Jesus baptized you with the Holy Spirit and you're saved forever."

I say:  "Follow this path with Jesus ...  
1.  Pray this prayer you prayed every night before you go to sleep and every morning when you wake up.  Until you can say it be heart. Practice saying it!  2. Spend some time in prayer each day.  
3. Read some Bible verses each day.  
4. Attend church.  Be baptized. 
5. Join up with a partner. Go out and remind someone that we're living in troubled times. And ask the person if you can pray with them. The person will say yes.  And that person(s) gets saved like you did.  Jesus is pleased and you will be a happy soul winner.  God Bless."

Seminar Assignment & Exercise ...
1. Memorize the soul winning process.
2. Practice saying it all the time. Practice saying it with a friend.
3. Ask the LORD to give you a soul winning partner. 
3. Ask the LORD to guide you to lost souls.  He will. 
4.You' see many come to Christ and be saved.  
5. The LORD will be pleased and you will be happy!
Nobody is ever offended!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Make Double-Sure You're Saved

It just might be that you're not sure you that if you died today you'd go to heaven.
I'll help you make double sure you'll go to heaven when you die ...

Here's How To Make Double-Sure You're Saved Forever!!!

Sincerely Pray this simple prayer...
"Lord Jesus, I'm a lost sinner.
Please forgive my sins.
Please save my soul.
Please come into my heart
and live forever.
Please help me live
for YOU each day, and
make me a great Soul Winner.
Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen."
Now, you're saved forever!
Because Jesus answered your prayer forever.

God bless you.
Prayers, Bro. Joe

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

SAVE THE CITY ... One Soul At A Time

Simply   .... How We (Bro. Joe & Bro. Jerry) 
Help People Get From Being Lost Sinners To Being Soul Winners 
I smile and say to someone:  "Hi, I'm _______________."  
I shake the persons hand and say, "What's your name?"  Person says (______________)  
I Say: "It's good to meet you. (Person's Name.)You know, (Person's Name) we're living in some mighty troubled times, aren't we?"  (Person will say something like ..."We sure are, etc.)  I I say, "Because of that, we're out praying with people today.  Can we pray with you? or  Will it be OK if we pray with you?"    Person says: "OK ... Sure, etc..." 
I take the person by the hand .... or put my hand on the person's shoulder and say:  
"Great ... OK... Just please say this prayer after me.
Lord Jesus, we're all sinners.
Please forgive our sins.
Please save my soul.  
Please come into my heart and live forever.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, 
for saving my soul  
for forgiving my sins 
for coming into my heart to live forever. 
Now, Lord Jesus, please help me live for you each day.
Thank you Lord. Jesus. Amen."  
I say "Praise the LORD.  Jesus just baptized you in the Holy Spirit and you're saved forever."

I say, "Follow This Path With Jesus ...

1.  Pray this prayer you prayed every night before you go  sleep and every morning when you get up. Until you can say it by heart.  Practice saying it.".
2. Spend some time in prayer each day.  
3. Read some Bible verses each day. 
4. Attend church.  Be baptized. 
5. Remind someone that we're living in troubled times. And ask the person if you can pray with them like we prayed with you. That person will say yes.  And that person will get saved like you did. Jesus will be pleased and you will be a happy soul sinner. 
God Bless."

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Friendly Conversation That Helps Someone Get Saved ... by Bro. Joe

Why Conversation?

I've found out that if I can carry on a
conversation with someone I can help
some lost person get saved.
So, I've learned to make soul winning a
low key conversation so that I don't
scare anybody. Jesus taught me the words
that I say in each soul winning conversation.
Jesus taught me to make it short enough
and simple enough so that I can do it
without messing up. So I use the same words
the same way every time with anyone I talk to;
if I don't know if the person is saved.
Soul winning is simply carrying on a friendly
converstaion that helps a person get saved.
That's what Jesus did. That's what Jesus
wants us to do. This is what I do where ever I'm at.
People always get saved one soul at a time.

You can be a soul winner too.

I pray you'll learn this short simple conversation
by saying it over and over till it becomes natural.
Practice saying it when you wake up every morning,
while going to and from work, and when you go to
bed at night. etc. Practice saying it with a friend.
Then when the time comes it will feel natural for
you to help the lost person get saved.
This will be the happiest day of your life.
I promise.

The Conversation

Calmly Ask: Have you ever been saved?

Person says: NO

Smiling Say: OK. Let's get you saved right now.
Please say this prayer after me.
"Lord Jesus, I'm a lost sinner.
Please forgive me of my sins.
Please save my soul.
Please come into my heart and live forever.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving my soul;
for forgiving my sins;
for coming into my heart to live forever.
Now, Lord Jesus, please help me to live for You each day.
Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

Joyfully Say: Now you are saved forever. You asked Jesus
to save your soul. He did. You are saved forever.

I say: You'll be living for Him each day when you
can say the soul winning conversation in your sleep!
You'll really be living for Him when you help
someone get saved like you did.

Give it a try. What have you got to lose?
Your joy is complete! I promise! God bless. Bro. Joe

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Follow this simple process and you will be a soul winner for Jesus' sake.

First: Ask some one, ""Have you ever been saved?" Person answers, "No."
Second: Say, "OK. Let's get you saved right now.
Please say this prayer after me.
Lord Jesus, I'm a lost sinner. Please forgive me of my sins.
Please save my soul. Please come into my heart and live forever.
Thank you Lord Jesus for saving my soul; for forgiving my sins;
for coming into my heart to live forever.
Now Lord Jesus, I want to live for you each day.
Thank you. Lord Jesus. Amen.
Third: Say, "Now you're saved forever. Here's proof that you're saved forever.
Because you asked Jesus
to forgive your sins. He did!
to save your soul. He did!
to come into your heart and live forever. He did!
For sure and for certain you're saved forever."

Now you are a soul winner. Practice this process! Follow this process the same way each time. God will bless your life and the life of each person you help to get saved.

I promise! God Bless! Bro. Joe