Jesus is not in a hurry. He's waiting on me. He has all the time in the world. Tomorrow might be today, so I'll help HIM with what's important. Prayers. Bro. Joe
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
WE find life-power as we live in the power of God's utmost grace. Prayers. Bro. Joe
Thursday, June 3, 2010
When I have nothing to say it is best that I say nothing. Today I only have , "God Bless You. My Prayers Are With You." Peace, Love, and Joy. Bro. Joe
Welcome To The Main Thing! Soul Winning Now! Bro. Joe
The Main Thing is about helping you deal successfully with the most important question in life. The Most Important Question In Life IsHave You ever Been Saved?
If you've never been saved you know it. It's OK. Please let me help you get saved right now.
Please say this prayer in your heart.
"Lord Jesus, I'm a lost sinner.
Please forgive me of my sins.
Please save my soul.
Please come into my heart and live forever.
Lord Jesus,
Thank you for saving my soul;
for forgiving my sins;
for coming into my heart to live forever.
Now, Lord Jesus,
I want to live for You each day.
Thank You lord Jesus. Amen.”
I will prove to you that your are saved forever.
First, you asked Jesus to forgive your sins. He did.
You are clean.
Second, You asked Jesus to save your soul. He did.
You are saved forever.
Third, You asked Jesus to come into your heart and live forever. He did.
Jesus will live in your heart eternally.
Jesus always answers this prayer!
I promise.
Bro. Joe
Want To Be A Soul Winner? Here's How ...
1. Learn to ask someone life's most important question which is "Have you ever been saved?"
2. Learn to help a lost person pray this soul-saving prayer which is "Lord Jesus, I'm a lost sinner. Please forgive my sins. Please save my soul. Please come into my heart and live forever. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving my soul; for forgiving my sins; for coming into my heart to live forever. Now, Lord Jesus I want to live for you each day. Thank you,Lord Jesus. Amen."
3. Learn this simple process. Practice going over the process untl you know it! Help someone go through this soul-winning process, get saved, and you are a soul winner.
4. Teach that person the soul-winning process. That person becomes a soul winner.
That's it! Prayers.
Bro. Joe
Life's Great Adventure Is To Go From Lost Sinner To Soul Winner
I want to help you move immediately from being a lost sinner to being a soul winner. That's the main thing Jesus wants us saved folks to do for Him.
Unfortunately it took me sixty-one years to move from lost sinner to soul winner. It was only because I did not know how. Fortunately, I had a special experience with Jesus who taught me a simple process for helping lost people to get saved. That is what my life is all about now. Helping the lost get saved. And helping the saved to win lost souls.
If you will learn and follow this simple process that Jesus gave me you will be a soul winner. I Promies!
Here's how....
Ask someone, "Have you ever been saved?"
If the person says, "No".
Say, "OK. Let's get you saved right now."
Bow Your head.
Say, "Please say this prayer after me.
" Lord Jesus, I'm a lsot sinner.
Please forgive me of my sins.
Please save my soul.
Please come into my heart
and live forever.
Thank you, Lord Jesus,
for saving my soul;
for forgiving my sins;
for coming into my heart
to live forever.
Now, Lord Jesus I want to
live for you each day.
Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen."
That's it!
Now Practice! Practice! Practice!
Go Do It!
You have moved from lost sinner
to soul-winner.
Go forth and win souls and
let the JOY begin!
I promise. Bro. Joe
Let men know if I can help you.
Helpful Bible Verses
Mark 16:16
John 3:16
John 1:12
Romans 3:22-24
Romans 6:22-23
Matthew 6:9-13
Matthew 7:7-8
Matthew 7:12
John 15:12
Win a Soul Now, Here's How
Welcome to soul-winning! It is our purpose to spread the Voice of Truth throughout the world. While there are numerous ways to share the gift of eternal life with someone, we believe that it is as simple as asking the question - have you ever been saved?
Soul-winning now is about...
• Getting you saved right now and forever.
• Helping you learn to be a soul-winner.
• That's it!
Everyday we encounter people who are in need of salvation. This quick and easy process takes less than 60 seconds to help someone get saved. We pray that this website will serve as a guide for you to come to know the Lord, and to become a soul winner everyday for the rest of your life.
- Bro. Joe
What You Need to Know
Jesus is all you need to know to learn to be a soul-winner.
Jesus has already given you His Spirit and Power to be a soul-winner.
Your compassionate heart and burden for the lost has given you the desire to win the lost for Jesus' sake.
Your prayerful concern will give you the passion you need to learn how to win souls.
Now, just practice, practice, practice. Then when you've got it. God will show you who to go win.
Go forth and win souls!
Hello dear friend,
Welcome to the Soul-Winning Now Blog! I am so pleased that you are visiting our blog, and I hope it will inspire you to become a soul-winner. If you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ into your heart, then there is no time like the present. I hope that you will take this time now to answer the ultimate question. It takes less than 60 seconds, and lasts for eternity. What do you have to lose?
Congratulations! If you just accepted Christ's invitation into your life, or are already a Christian, I hope you will decide to start soul-winning.
Bro. Joe