Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Make Double-Sure You're Saved

It just might be that you're not sure you that if you died today you'd go to heaven.
I'll help you make double sure you'll go to heaven when you die ...

Here's How To Make Double-Sure You're Saved Forever!!!

Sincerely Pray this simple prayer...
"Lord Jesus, I'm a lost sinner.
Please forgive my sins.
Please save my soul.
Please come into my heart
and live forever.
Please help me live
for YOU each day, and
make me a great Soul Winner.
Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen."
Now, you're saved forever!
Because Jesus answered your prayer forever.

God bless you.
Prayers, Bro. Joe

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

SAVE THE CITY ... One Soul At A Time

Simply   .... How We (Bro. Joe & Bro. Jerry) 
Help People Get From Being Lost Sinners To Being Soul Winners 
I smile and say to someone:  "Hi, I'm _______________."  
I shake the persons hand and say, "What's your name?"  Person says (______________)  
I Say: "It's good to meet you. (Person's Name.)You know, (Person's Name) we're living in some mighty troubled times, aren't we?"  (Person will say something like ..."We sure are, etc.)  I I say, "Because of that, we're out praying with people today.  Can we pray with you? or  Will it be OK if we pray with you?"    Person says: "OK ... Sure, etc..." 
I take the person by the hand .... or put my hand on the person's shoulder and say:  
"Great ... OK... Just please say this prayer after me.
Lord Jesus, we're all sinners.
Please forgive our sins.
Please save my soul.  
Please come into my heart and live forever.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, 
for saving my soul  
for forgiving my sins 
for coming into my heart to live forever. 
Now, Lord Jesus, please help me live for you each day.
Thank you Lord. Jesus. Amen."  
I say "Praise the LORD.  Jesus just baptized you in the Holy Spirit and you're saved forever."

I say, "Follow This Path With Jesus ...

1.  Pray this prayer you prayed every night before you go  sleep and every morning when you get up. Until you can say it by heart.  Practice saying it.".
2. Spend some time in prayer each day.  
3. Read some Bible verses each day. 
4. Attend church.  Be baptized. 
5. Remind someone that we're living in troubled times. And ask the person if you can pray with them like we prayed with you. That person will say yes.  And that person will get saved like you did. Jesus will be pleased and you will be a happy soul sinner. 
God Bless."