Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Friendly Conversation That Helps Someone Get Saved ... by Bro. Joe

Why Conversation?

I've found out that if I can carry on a
conversation with someone I can help
some lost person get saved.
So, I've learned to make soul winning a
low key conversation so that I don't
scare anybody. Jesus taught me the words
that I say in each soul winning conversation.
Jesus taught me to make it short enough
and simple enough so that I can do it
without messing up. So I use the same words
the same way every time with anyone I talk to;
if I don't know if the person is saved.
Soul winning is simply carrying on a friendly
converstaion that helps a person get saved.
That's what Jesus did. That's what Jesus
wants us to do. This is what I do where ever I'm at.
People always get saved one soul at a time.

You can be a soul winner too.

I pray you'll learn this short simple conversation
by saying it over and over till it becomes natural.
Practice saying it when you wake up every morning,
while going to and from work, and when you go to
bed at night. etc. Practice saying it with a friend.
Then when the time comes it will feel natural for
you to help the lost person get saved.
This will be the happiest day of your life.
I promise.

The Conversation

Calmly Ask: Have you ever been saved?

Person says: NO

Smiling Say: OK. Let's get you saved right now.
Please say this prayer after me.
"Lord Jesus, I'm a lost sinner.
Please forgive me of my sins.
Please save my soul.
Please come into my heart and live forever.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving my soul;
for forgiving my sins;
for coming into my heart to live forever.
Now, Lord Jesus, please help me to live for You each day.
Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

Joyfully Say: Now you are saved forever. You asked Jesus
to save your soul. He did. You are saved forever.

I say: You'll be living for Him each day when you
can say the soul winning conversation in your sleep!
You'll really be living for Him when you help
someone get saved like you did.

Give it a try. What have you got to lose?
Your joy is complete! I promise! God bless. Bro. Joe

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Follow this simple process and you will be a soul winner for Jesus' sake.

First: Ask some one, ""Have you ever been saved?" Person answers, "No."
Second: Say, "OK. Let's get you saved right now.
Please say this prayer after me.
Lord Jesus, I'm a lost sinner. Please forgive me of my sins.
Please save my soul. Please come into my heart and live forever.
Thank you Lord Jesus for saving my soul; for forgiving my sins;
for coming into my heart to live forever.
Now Lord Jesus, I want to live for you each day.
Thank you. Lord Jesus. Amen.
Third: Say, "Now you're saved forever. Here's proof that you're saved forever.
Because you asked Jesus
to forgive your sins. He did!
to save your soul. He did!
to come into your heart and live forever. He did!
For sure and for certain you're saved forever."

Now you are a soul winner. Practice this process! Follow this process the same way each time. God will bless your life and the life of each person you help to get saved.

I promise! God Bless! Bro. Joe

Soul Winning Is A Simple Process

Soul Winning Is A Simple Process

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Want To Be A Soul Winner? Here's How!

1. Learn to ask someone life's most important question which is, "Have you ever been saved?"
2. Learn to help a lost person pray this soul-saving prayer which is, "Lord Jesus, I'm a lost sinner. Please forgive my sins. Please save my soul. Please come into my heart and live forever. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for saving my soul; for forgiving my sins; for coming into my heart to live forever. Now, Lord Jesus, I want to live for you each day. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen."
That person is saved forever!
3. Learn this simple process. Help someone go through this soul-winning process, get saved, and you are a soul winner!
4. Teach that person the soul-winning process. That person becomes a soul winner. That is it! God bless! Prayers. Bro. Joe

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Church Planting/Starting Made Simple by Bro. Joe

Soul Winning is an awesome and simple way to start a new church.
Here's how it works.
A God-appointed pastor helps some lost people get saved.
The new Christian becomes the first church member.
The pastor immediately teaches the new Christian how
to help a lost person get saved.
The next new Christian becomes the second church member.
Continue by repeating the process.
Soul winning is on the move. The lost are saved one soul at a time.
These new Christians begin gathering for prayer, Bible study,
discipleship development, soul winning celebration, and fellowship.
A new church is underway rejoicing in the victories they are sharing together!!

When this group grows larger that a "house church" plant/start a new
soul winning fellowship which repeats the simple process.

If you need a lesson on how to win souls go to "Conversation Soul Winning Made Simple"
on this blog page.

God bless. Bro. Joe

Friday, July 2, 2010

Let's take a heads-up from Jesus.
It was between and Him and God. God was with Him and God was guiding Him.
So Now ......
It is between God and me. God is with me. God Is guiding me.
What a fellowship!

Prayers. Bro. Joe

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jesus is not in a hurry. He's waiting on me. He has all the time in the world.
Tomorrow might be today, so I'll help HIM with what's important. Prayers. Bro. Joe

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

WE find life-power as we live in the power of God's utmost grace. Prayers. Bro. Joe

Thursday, June 3, 2010

When I have nothing to say it is best that I say nothing. Today I only have , "God Bless You.
My Prayers Are With You." Peace, Love, and Joy. Bro. Joe

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

An insurance agent friend of mine would say to a client, "Let's get you covered ... tomorrow might be today." I learned from that hint of urgency to say to my lost friend, "Let's get you saved right now." And they do get saved that very moment. (2 Corinthians 6:2)
Our tomorrow might be today. Let's get it done! Prayers. Bro. Joe

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Unless Christ is magnified, we have nothing to say. Unless the lost are redeemed , we have little or nothing to do." James L Sullivan Prayers. Bro. Joe

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Jesus who lives in our heart is alive and well. He has something special in mind for us today.
God Bless. Prayers. Bro. Joe

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Opportunities are to be ceased. Obstacles are to be confronted. All in the power of HIS name.
"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens md." Phillipians 4:13

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

When I'm not talking I'm in a better place to listen ... even to God.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Jesus is Lord yesterday, today, and tomorrow saving the lost and strengthening the saved.